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Contact Us

Telephone Hours

  • 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday

Office Hours

150 S 43rd Street, Harrisburg PA

  • In-Person Appointments: You may meet with a PEBTF representative. Appointments are available the last Thursday of each month (except on holidays). Please call the PEBTF to schedule. Appointments must be scheduled in advance. Unscheduled walk-ins are not accepted.
  • Secure Dropbox: For your convenience a locked drop-box is located just inside the main doors of the PEBTF offices. You may drop off a check payment or other paperwork during business hours, Monday through Friday, 8 am to 5 pm. Please include your name, date of birth, address and contact information.


  • Local: (717) 561-4750
  • Toll Free: (800) 522-7279
  • Fraud Hotline: (866) 217-4141
  • TTY: 711

Postal Address

If you have any questions, please use this form.

Fields marked with * denotes required fields.
First Name

Last Name

Email Address (Used for member contact, please ensure accuracy)

Daytime Phone#

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